Stylists: Claire Duport and Laura Watters
Photographer: Laurent Humbert
Models: Jeremy Dufour and Florian Bourdila
And, in the same spirit of my last posting, i. e., enlivening conventional male aparel, which tends to be irksome and plain almost by definition, here come Duport & Watters and their round-eyed, childish pastel hues conveying both playfulness and innocence.
The editorial, published in Wad Magazine and shot, we are told, in sunny South Africa, is entitled “Boys to Men”, and features Jeremy Dufour and Florian Bourdila.
Bows refuse to stay in their proper place, that is around the neck, and wander all over the place, includin the shoes, which are also infected by lively childish shades of pink or pale blue of flowery patterns.
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