I felt extremely pleased, and honored, as one of my very favorite designers, Christina Højris Ottosen, sent these pics to me specifically for their inclusion in this blog.
Some my followers might remember her as the creator of that wonderful line of "female-clothes-for-men". I fact, I posted some pics several months ago (See: S/he's my man and A lovesome thing)... a dream come true!
This time, coupled with designer Jens Kold-Christensen, Cristina is once again challenging preconceptions and conventions. Perilously close to the Passover celebrations, the Copenhagen based duo came up with Uncommon Creatures. Their debut fashion collection, Autumn Winter 2010, was inspired by the orthodox Jewish style.
Simple, elegant, svelte and anachronistic, the collection does indeed include some placeable elements of various Judaistic societies (even a Greek Orthodox cross... depicting orthodoxy in general?). Notwithstanding that delicate source of inspiration, which might arise controversies, the results are anything but grave. Departed from the solemnity and seriousness of the stereotype Jewish attires, these getups can be playful, even sexy, but without a hint of satire or mockery

The designers point out that their collection does not use organic fabrics, nor unfair or child labor. They have chosen to use instead domestic Danish textiles.
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