Friday, October 30, 2009
Öhlund: "I'm too misty..."

Photographer Andreas Öhlund shot Rasmus G for the current issue of DV Man. The Jil Sander kilt looks masculine indeed, in spite of a certain frailty and delicacy in the pose.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Alaska in my mind... or rather the Globe Theater?

As I told you in a previous post ("Room with a view", Oct. 24), the source of inspiration for Takahiro Miyashita's last collection for his label Number (N)ine was a hotel room in Alaska. Traces of a sofa's brocade or a curtain's tassel are clearly visible. But all that kitschy ornamentation, odly enough, ends up giving the whole thing the dramatic effect of a set of costumes for some Elizabethan play.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
September Song: Favorite pics
I've selected my own favorite images from the ones I've posted in September 2009.
There is no "why" really. I just chose those that have "something special", whatever that may be, that made them stand out.
Do you you guys (and gals) agree?
I loved J.M. Anderson's "New MAN" collection in general, my very first posting in this blog.
The huge earrings give an additional interest to the first one,
while I enjoyed the "shredded skirts" looks in general: I can only imagine their swinging motion as you take a walk!

Of Bezhanishvili's robes, this one stood out, the reason being, I suspect, the attractive colors and the lightness and slight transparency of the fabrics. It looks great with those boots.

And what can I say of Daniel Palillo's ample, oversized, shamelessly comfortable garments? The black dots-over-white would probably make most dudes look like a cow. But I'd definetively go the "negative" version:

or, rather, I'd simply go ahead and grab something from the "ladies" section:
And finally, Luke Worral's sunglassed where sometning "out of this world":
Aktepe: Anything goes
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Miyashita: Room with a view

Who would have imagined that, for his farewell collection for Number (N)ine, designer Takahiro Miyashita would find his inspiration in the curtains, carpets, and ornaments of a hotel room in Alaska? Everything is right there, actually: the upholstery brocades, the ornamented buttons taken right from a sofa... one can go on and on.
One thing is certain: the room was probably not very large, as the collection is called called "A closed feeling". Was that the reason for conceling the faces of the models?

Ornate, nineteenth century-like jackets and coats make us think of a rather old fashioned and somewhat kitschy decoration for that hotel. A closer look (in an up-coming posting) will show us some very original details, though.

Friday, October 23, 2009
Sunlight becomes you

Stylist Andre Austin and makeup artist Aeriel Payne present "Sunlighters", an editorial for the current issue of Miami-based Latin magazine Level. Austin chose to match the elegant dressing-coats and vests (including a chain-watch) with, among other items, a wonderful pair of skirt-pants, worn with complementary black leggings and very "manly" boots. The getups were shot by Rick Day.
More pics at: http://levelmagazine.com/
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Miyashita: last "Nine" shirts

Somewhat baroque in their ornamentation, but with a touch of studied untidiness and modern necks, these raw-linen shirts by Japanese Takahiro Miyashita were designed for Number (n)ine, his avant-garde fashion label which, I understand, is currently shutting down.
Worn here in overlays of aparent carelessness, with black skirts and raw colored sloppy leggings, the images comform to the designer's unique and finicky style.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
King and I
Hedman: Wearable sculptures?

Elaborate, hugely ovesized and at the same time delicate, subtle, and complex, Hanna Hedman’s silver jewellery has a odd, out-of-this-world quality to it.
The creator suggests that her pieces were inspired by the ever-evolving art of storytelling, in which each narrator embellishes the tale at his or her whim, but keeping the basic structure."Ornamental story that is neither black nor white; instead it exists in a grey area, undefined and strange", says the Stockholm-based designer.
May the sagas of her homeland be in someway present in her embroidered metal art-work?

Monday, October 19, 2009
Dedicate guy
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Baratashvilli: Shall we dance?

Comfortable, cozy, yet stylish and sensual, this spring 2010 collection by Georgy Baratashvilli seems to have drawn it's inspiration from the gym or the dance studio.
Stark and quite sultry pieces in their asexuality, built in soft fabrics (most likely elastisized), in shades of gray, beige, and blue.
The details in leather, raw-edged linen, include some useless but attractive bands around arms and legs.

Shall I point out the beauty of the strapless-sandals? I haven't seen them elsewhere. One wonders how they keep in place (you can take a closer look at http://www.georgybaratashvili.com/)

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