Since the days of Poiret, Vionnet and Madame Chanel, fashion designers have reached the status of stars, and I dare say, even superstars. Think about Dior, Balenciaga or Givenchy!
The same goes for models and supermodels. Starting with Twiggy back in the sixties, some models have scaled to superstardom: the likes of Cindy Crawford, Victoria Bekham or Noemi Campbell.
Nowadays, everything seems to indicate that a new breed of fashion superstars is budding: the fashion blogger. And when you mention celebrity bloggers, you cannot go without mentioning Bryanboy, the self proclaimed "superstar fab".
One of the main attractions of his blog is precisely his superstardom. he travels from one place to another like in the good-ol days of the "jet-set", and is generous enough to let us share some of his experiences attending the main fashion capitals of the world. He treats us both to the front row and backstage.
He complains about having done "only" three cities this past month (New York, Milan and Paris), and is looking forward to visiting London next season.
Not less of an attraction are his own looks, as his own persona bears witness to his knowledge of fashion and style.
Shown below, he's attending the exhibitions by Marc Jacobs, Chanel, Dolce & Gabbana, Jil Sander, Gucci, and Philip Lim