Some of us talk about "New Males", about innovative, groundbreaking fashions for the Alternative Man. But do we, as forward-looking fashion bloggers, actually "dress our part"? Do we wear unusual pieces of clothing, such as, let's say, skirts or high heeled shoes in "real life"?
Well, I'm posting images of two of my favorite fashion bloggers who allow themselves to wear fancy, original fashions. In fact, some of the garments could be categorized as "feminine" by traditional standards.
The contents of their blogs is not necessarily "mens fashion freedom".
Actually, they write about fashion pure and simple.
You should pay them a visit:
Frequently visited by me, celebrity blogger Bryanboy is a fine example of a web-log author who preaches by example. In spite of his youth, his blog is often listed among the world's most influential trend-setters:
Spanish stylist Victor Blanco is also a frequent source for my own postings.
He was announcing an upcoming website wearing, of course, a pair of wonderful high heeled stilettos:
The link annouced there seems to be broken, but he does have a new blog,
in which he shows up with these Manolo Blaniks:
His former blog was:
And there are many, many more "fashion-free" bloggers out there, of course, specially among the younger generation.
They often post beautiful images of themselves and/or their work.
That means that I'll have to bring up this topic several more times!
Having uploaded pics of my peers, I feel obliged to post my own image, so here I am, about to begin working on a new project: