And now, it's time for an update of some of my favorite fashion bloggers.
What are they up to? And more importantly what are they wearing?
On this occasion, I'll be focusing on my Asian friends:
On this occasion, I'll be focusing on my Asian friends:
If we follow the widely known blogger Bryanboy (24), the "Superstar Fab", we'll end up exhausted. He travels non-stop all the time!
Yes, he actually seems to live one of those fabulous-superstar lives envied by most fashion bloggers: he's actually invited to fashion shows all over the world and reports from the locations where and when the great collections are being launched.
Great names and labels march in close succession through his schedule, as do the major fashion capitals of the world.
The young Manilan has the chance not only to take a look at the designer pieces, but also, quite frequently, to try them on!
More and more frequently, he's been replacing still images with videos, like this one, which briefly traces his complete profile:
Jujiin Samonte
Another gripping reporter, also a native of the "Pearl of the Orient", the blogging stylist Jujiin Samonte (27), captures our attention by his creativity and his travel reports.
But what I find the most interesting aspect of his personality, is the fact that he is constantly reinventing himself: his looks suffer all sorts of fanciful transformations, and he is always experimenting with hairdos and clothing.
In this recent posting, he is playing with a starry top and a kilt.
This stylish and fashionable Chinese blogger, whom I recently encountered, is publishing mostly pics of himself in the most unique and daring getups. Not in vain is it called "Individuality"!
If his blog, as many others, could be defined as self-centered and narcissistic, his refinement and good taste are no mean compensation, and his looks are groundbreaking and courageous: many of the pics have been taken outdoors.
Always elegant and classy, he looks for inspiration in great designers, such as Orschel-Read (below)

Karl Leuterio
Last, but not least, Karl's not only the paradigm of a "New Male", wearing unorthodox and innovative garments with total freedom, but he's actually set in motion his own fashion line!
Paradigmshift, his label, was unveiled last Sunday at Graxie, a store located in Manila's Powerplant Mall.
The collection reminds us of Hourani's, if only for the fact that it's essentially gender-less.
He informs that his mannequins looked different from the rest... No wonder!
I'll soon be reviewing the collection. Good for you, Karl!
Karl's partner, Mike Magallanes, was also present during the startup, and he was also shifting several paradigms fashion wise.